
Renata Ferraz and Rubiane Maia
Short film, 2017, 14‘54‘’ | Brazil

Ádito weaves together the artistic research of two women artists, with one course in Visual Arts and one in Theatre and Cinema. It is a four-handed narrative, in which both are both behind and in front of the camera ‘interpreting’ themselves as characters. Rubiane absorbed in a state of absence and melancholy, and Renata her mysterious companion. Between closeness and distances that occur in the middle of the landscape, Adito reveals fragments of memory, crisis and dream, in a cross between fiction and reality.


2018 – ‘FECIN’ Festival de TV e Cinema do Interior do Espírito Santo, Muqui, ES.
2018 – ‘VALONGO’ Festival Internacional da Imagem, Santos, SP.
2018 – ‘Representatives’ Conference ‘Women in Transition’, Oxford, UK.
2018 – 13˚ Mostra Produção Independente ABD ‘Novos Rumos’, Cine Jardins, Vitória, ES, Brasil.
2017 – 21 Islands International Short Film Fest, Pregones Theater PRTT, NY, EUA.
2017 – 6˚ Cinerama: zonas de correspondências, Centro Cultural Light, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.
2017 – 24˚ Festival de Cinema de Vitória, ES, Brasil. [première]


Funding: SECULT/ES – FUNCULTUR – Brasil.
